I Don’t Pay for Martial Arts

One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time for your son to do martial arts?" Well I have a confession to make: I don't pay for Martial arts! I don’t pay for my son’s martial arts lessons. I don't pay for his mitts..... or suits or his competitions.

So, if I am not paying for martial arts , what am I paying for?

- I pay for those moments when my son becomes so tired he feels like quitting but doesn't.

- I pay for the opportunity that my son can have and will have to make life-long friendships.

- I pay for the chance that he may have amazing instructors that will teach him that martial arts is not just about movement but about life.

- I pay for my son to learn to be disciplined.

- I pay for my son to learn to take care of himself.

- I pay for my son to learn to work with others and to be a proud, supportive, kind and respectful student.

- I pay for my son to learn to deal with disappointment, when he doesn't get that score he hoped for, or fell during a move he has practiced a thousand times, but he still gets up and is determined to do his BEST next time...

- I pay for my son to learn to make and accomplish goals.

- I pay for my son to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard work and practice to create a champion, and that success does not happen overnight.

I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for martial arts;

I pay for the opportunities that martial arts provides my child to develop attributes that will serve him well throughout his life and give him the opportunity to bless the lives of others.

From what I have seen for many, many years, I think it is a great investment!

Anonymous Parent Submission


Making Mud Pies


Sixty Hours