Pursuing Excellence: Martial Arts as a Foundation for Excellence in Life

Martial arts is, in my view, one of the fundamental things that everyone should learn. What we consider “standard” education, such as reading, writing, and mathematics, is important. We use these skills constantly, every day. The same goes for history and literature. Martial arts, however, covers many aspects that greatly enhance this fundamental view of education. Leadership, perseverance, self-discipline, and the ability to defend yourself are all intrinsic to martial arts and aren’t ordinarily covered in the classroom. At least, this was my experience. I wasn’t taught confidence sitting behind a desk, and I didn’t learn to stand back up after getting knocked down in P.E. class.

Certainly, traditional sports can teach many of these skills, and while I don’t think there is anything wrong with participating in them, they often don’t allow those who don’t fit the norm to participate. You don’t see someone in a wheelchair running the football into the endzone, after all. Martial arts sets everyone on their own journey, and as such, everyone is the norm. Everyone has a chance to learn, struggle, persevere, and develop skills that transfer outside of the mat. Learning to have excellence on the mat translates directly to having excellence in school or the workplace. Excellence is, after all, a habit, not just something that happens from time to time.

Another thing often missing in traditional sports is the ability to defend oneself, which I view as one of the most fundamental skills everyone should learn. Those who know how to handle themselves are less likely to need to, as they often display a level of confidence and competence that helps deescalate tense situations before they go awry. Coupling this confidence and competence with a habit of excellence is a combination that will serve you for life, regardless of when you start!

Kyle Johnson

5th Degree Black Belt

Chief Instructor


Accountability Partners


Teachable Spirit: Growth Through Humility in Martial Arts Training