Let Children Fail

Why should children fail? Or suffer loss? Or get last place?

The fires of struggle forge our character.

“No whining. No complaining. No excuses.”

- Angela Duckworth

As a parent, it feels natural to try and “save” our children from struggle. Some of us feel a tug of guilt when requiring steadfastness through tears or difficulty. But in reality, the repercussions of letting our children avoid failure will rear it’s ugly head at some point in their life.

So let’s look at some lessons failure teaches our children:

  • “Overnight success is a lie. Consistency is key.”

  • “Where are my shortcomings and how will I make them better?”

  • “I will survive failure. I will push through this.”

  • “Setbacks are guaranteed. I will stay joyful & focused through this suffering.”

Let them fail.

By Lexi Brookey, 4th Degree Black Belt

Team Chip Abilene


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