How do We Interact with Bullying

If you see someone being teased or bullied, is it ok to join in?

Why not?

Joining in only gives strength to the bully. Plus, you will probably feel bad about it later.

If you see someone being teased or bullied, is it ok to stand and watch?

When you stand and watch, you give the bully an audience. 

Bullying isn’t as much fun to do when there is no one watching.

Do you think it is easy to take a stand against bullying?

Absolutely not! It takes a lot of courage.

Most kids don’t like to see others being bullied, but they are afraid to do anything for fear that they might be bullied or that they might be viewed as a tattle-tale. 

So What Can You Do When You See Someone Being Bullied?

Be an Upstander, not a Bystander.

An Upstander takes action against bullying. 

A Bystander does nothing.

How to be an Upstander: 

1. Get There First

2. Step In and Take Charge

3. Distract and Redirect

4. Leave and Report


What’s a Bully?


“Boards Don’t Hit Back”