Perseverance Pays Off: Overcoming Challenges on the Martial Arts Journey

Martial arts is truly unique in so many ways. You can learn teamwork, leadership, good communication, and much more in various areas outside of martial arts. However, facing your fears, confronting yourself, and truly getting to know who you are, are significant parts of the martial arts journey.

How, you ask?

There is something powerful about standing across from an "opponent" or training partner, knowing their goal is to punch or kick you in the face. There is something to having someone apply so much pressure on you while grappling that you can barely breathe. There is something to knowing that your sparring partner is bigger, faster, and stronger than you, but you accept the challenge and step in anyway. It takes courage, grit, and perseverance!

Every day in a well-developed martial arts program is a challenge. We almost only grow during times of duress, hardship, and being challenged.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” —Romans 5:3-4 NIV

"Never be outworked" and "Consistency is key."

Chip Townsend

7th Degree Black Belt

Team Chip Owner/Operator


Weak Men Fight Women. Strong Men Protect Them.


Finding Inspiration: Triumph and Courage