Weak Men Fight Women. Strong Men Protect Them.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." - Philippians 4:8

At Team Chip, we uphold the timeless principles of honor, respect, and integrity on our training floor. These values are not just for show; they form the foundation of our community, guiding how we train, compete, and operate our classrooms.

The circumstances revolving around Angela Carini withdrawing from the Olympics due to the participation and physical harm done to her by a biological man in the women's boxing category, is a stark reminder that women are under attack by our culture. At Team Chip, we stand firm in our commitment to honor and protect our women.

In our martial arts community, men are taught to be protectors. This is a matter of responsibility. Allowing males to dominate in women's sports is not only abominable, but also fails in our duty as men to protect and honor women.

With that, we ask: When is enough, enough?

Our stance is clear. We will continue to honor and protect women on our training floor. We will not allow men to dominate or harm women on our mats. We will train women to hold their own, but not under the naive pretense that women and men have no physical differences.

Let’s break it down:

Do we run co-ed classes? Yes. Do women partner with men for certain drills? Yes. Do we think it is mutually edifying for men and women to train and progress together? Also yes.

But do not think it is without careful consideration in which we do so. It would be foolish of us to say that the ground is equal when it comes to the physical strength and dominance of men in regards to women. So begs the question, how is co-ed training different from what we saw on the Olympic stage?

Our goal is cooperation, not competition. 

Do we want our daughters to learn how to do techniques on men efficiently and effectively? Yes. Do we want women to learn to be calm in moments of high-stress when their partner outweighs them and towers 6 inches taller? A resounding yes, again. No brainer there. We accomplish that by men and women training together.

We want women to be women. Feminine, graceful, fearless, and able to remove the eyes from a man’s sockets in order to protect herself and her children. And men to be men. Strong, bold, and honorable.

At Team Chip, we stand for fairness, respect, and the unwavering belief that men are protectors, and they shall not be allowed to prey on any woman under the guise of “authenticity.”


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